Undergraduate Degrees

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The undergraduate programmes in the Department are designed to adequately train geoscientists for immediate operational service in a professional capacity, in most challenging fields such as Oil Companies, Oil Service Companies, Geological Survey Agency of the Ministry of Solid Minerals Development, Ministries of Water Resources and Environment and State Water Boards, Civil and Road Construction Companies, among others. The programmes are also designed to promote self-employment and entrepreneurship in the geosciences in realization of the dwindling employment prospects in the formal employment sector.

To this end, students are taught to considerable depth in the various aspects of geology and geophysics with particular emphasis on the applied geological subjects such as Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology, Applied Geophysics, Applied Geochemistry, Petroleum Geology, Economic Geology and Environmental Geology. Besides, students are exposed early in the programmes to modern concepts of global geology which have revolutionized geological thinking during the past few years, and to fieldwork, particularly geological and geophysical mapping in both sedimentary and metamorphic terrains.

Degrees Offered

  1. B. Sc. (Hons) Geology (4 years)
  2. B. Sc. (Hons) Applied Geophysics (4 years)